Hello. My name is Kristen Green.
I am a homeschooling mom of two amazing kids, a wife to an incredible worship pastor who is also my best friend, real estate entrepreneur, health enthusiast, and Christ follower. I have a Bachelors of Science in Psychology Christian Counseling and am passionate about working out life’s difficult seasons through a Biblical perspective and in light of the purposes God has for our lives.
Like you, I have faced many different challenges in my life. Those challenges led me to seek. To seek God, to seek counsel, to seek medical advice, to seek truth, and seek out others that could relate. Ultimately, it is the journey through those seasons that has led me here.
Here, I will share my story and resources I’ve found along the way that were helpful in my pursuit to health and healing. I will also share my heart in the continued pursuit of growing and knowing Jesus, and share personal testimonies of His faithfulness in my life.
I hope you will reach out and share some of your own story with me. God has created us to connect and to help each other along life’s journey. We weren’t designed to do it alone. So here’s to healing, pursuing, and growing— together.