You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
- Jeremiah 29:13
In this space, I want us to be real, vulnerable, and unapologetic for where we are. God, in His infinite love and grace, meets us there. He doesn’t shame us, or expect us to pretend to be somewhere we aren’t. He graciously accepts us right where we are and longs to walk with us. He wants us to be authentic and real with where we are, what we are thinking, and what we are feeling, so that He can lead us, heal us, restore, and transform us as we allow Him. He longs for a deeper relationship with us.
Here, I will share what God is teaching me and what He has taught me through various seasons of my life. Here we can process together, wrestle with hard questions, seek truth, and grow together. In every season, as we seek Him with all our hearts, He is faithful to bring us through to greater revelation, and to a greater understanding of His character, and relentless love for us.