Personal Recommendations while going through TSW

  • Ice packs- I prefer the ones that will turn to gel- as they melt it’s easier to mold them to places on your skin where you need them and are more comforting to sleep with) Here are some I found online that are similar to what I have. This helps with itching and pain. I would stick them in my pillow case to hold it in place.

    *Unfortunately I did not discover body icepacks until I was mostly healed, but I would have loved to have had something like this when large areas of my body were affected. 

  • Vaseline - This was a must for me. I know it’s “technically” not the best thing for you, but it was the only thing I could use to get some relief with the burning and tightness. I found using it before the shower helped with the pain when the water hits the skin. Also used it immediately after the shower to help keep in as much moisture as possible and to be able move with less pain. You could also try Aquafor. I would also break open fresh aloe and rub on skin to help with speeding up healing.

    ** After years of only being able to use vaseline, I now use Pure, Organic olive oil and unrefined coconut oil to moisturize my skin and remove makeup. I also found Eucerin to be comforting but don’t use it for long periods of time as I feel more comfortable with all natural. There was a time that even olive oil (or coconut oil would irritate my skin but after your skin gets to a certain level of healing, you can try to introduce it off and on like I did and see when your skin will be ready to transition from vaseline/aquaphor to olive or coconut oil**

  • Warm showers- I probably used warmer water than what is recommended. Hot/warm water does dry out the skin- but it was the only thing that brought relief from the itching. I would take one in the morning and one at night to try to alleviate itching, pain, and dryness and stay as comfortable as possible. Then I would follow with loads of vaseline.

  • Run a fan, keep areas dust free (have someone else dust for you if you can), use free and clear laundry detergents

  • Benedryl, benedrly cream, zinc cream to help alleviate itching.

  • Melatonin, magnesium to help with sleep

  • Vitamin supplements- Vit C, Vit D3, Fish oil, Vitamin E, Soil based probiotics

  • Bone broth, gut cleansing diet

  • Juicing- When you juice vegetables and drink them - they are stripped of fiber so the nutrients go straight to the cellular level to help repair and heal (look up “green juice recipes” to find a variety) Juice fresh organic veggies such as carrots, kale, celery,

  • Smoothies, and loads of greens to help speed up and promote quicker healing.

  • Clean Diet (Gluten, Dairy, and soy free)

  • Organic meats and vegetables.

  • Supportive family and friends/Counseling- Getting family members/spouse or friends understanding what you are going through can be so helpful. Counseling can also be very beneficial as going through the alienation, isolation, and physical suffering can be very taxing mentally/emotionally.

  • God. Ultimately this is number one for me- without reliance on God throughout my journey I don’t think I could have done it. He was my strength when I had none. He was my comforter when I felt nothing but pain and misery. And He was my hope when I felt hopeless. I knew it was His will that I would be healed, and so I held tightly to His promises and knew that He would prove Himself faithful- and He did.

  • Prayer and Journaling

    • I recommend writing out how you are feeling, pour it all out on paper. Tell God how you feel and what you are struggling with, be vulnerable and honest, He already knows.. There is something very powerful about writing it down and accepting it yourself. Once your honest feelings are brought to light, you can work from a place of truth. I recommend writing down your feelings and next to that feeling, find a scripture/s - they are the ultimate truth regardless of what we see or feel— to counter or relate to that feeling (This is something that helps no matter what the situation/struggle).

      • For example:

        • Feeling: I feel so overwhelmed!!

        • Scripture : “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7

  • Worship. In every single season of our lives- He deserves our praise. When we worship in the midst of our pain and struggle we are choosing to place Him above it all. We are declaring that He is greater than our pain and suffering- greater than what we can see or feel. He is worthy of our praise no matter what we face in this life. Things in this life may fail us- but GOD never does- His love is constant. Life is always changing and throwing unexpected things our way- but we can fully trust and know that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever- He never changes- He remains constant in the storm. And He is Faithful.

    My husband Rich and I wrote songs of worship together, and separately, in moments of complete brokeness, desperation, and determination to praise Him no matter what. We named those songs “Even in the Wilderness,” Because it was in the midst of our wilderness season that they were birthed, and because even in the wilderness- He is with us- He makes a way- He springs forth rivers in the desert- and He does a new thing. We hope to share some of those songs with you in the future. But for now, here are some songs that meant a lot to me during that season and other difficult times- I would sing, cry, worship, and choose to believe God and His promises above it all.

    His presence was the only place I found rest. I hope some of them will speak and minister to you as they did me, and that you will also find rest for your soul within His presence. Know that no season in our life is wasted- He can take the ashes of our lives and make them into something beautiful (beauty from the ashes blog post). He restores and heals what is broken, He revives the dead places in our lives, And He causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes Romans 8:28. I don’t know how He does it, but as we trust Him, follow Him, and put all our hope in Him- He does what only He can.

    I’m praying for you. You will get through this.